...I just want to thank you for the excellent service that you provide and the speed in which you resolve problems."
Riaan: Client
...we have already installed this system at a few part titles that we manage with very great successes. The one complex in Port Edward (which is a holiday complex) our water usage was around 1.2 million liters per month and after installation we are down to between 400 kl and 500 kl per month. The big advantage is that the system balances itself and shows you if you have a leak on your supply pipes. It also shows very quickly when there is a leak in a unit. With the system, we have solved several authorities' leaks. The system also issues a warning when there is a very high usage such as when someone leaves a tap open. The application also works very well in that each owner can easily and quickly see what is happening with his water use. See attached. See also attached example of notification that one gets when there is a leak or high water is used.
CC email from managing agent: Managing Agent
Excellent product and outstanding service. Goes the extra mile for customers.
Stephen: Customer
Thank you, we are very happy with the system so far. As you saw, I've already picked up a leak on my property which I've already isolated.